Our Philosophy

At Canberra Avenue Child Care & Kinder, we believe that each child is an individual and as educators we will value and develop each child's strengths, interests, skills, abilities and knowledge to extend their learning.

We Believe

  • That children learn through play. We provide opportunities for children to explore, discover, create and imagine.
  • In cultural diversity. We celebrate the benefits of diversity with each individual child and their family and enable them to understand and acknowledge differences.
  • Young children are very concerned about themselves and the small world they live in: family and home. However, each child is unique with different interests, backgrounds, and developmental stages.
  • The environment plays a major role in the success of an early childhood program. It should enhance the children's interests in all developmental domains.
  • Learning in an early childhood environment is done most successfully through stations that can be visited, explored, and revisited again and again. The environment should take into consideration the social skills, communication skills, physical abilities or challenges, and learning styles of the children being served.
  • We consider families a vital aspect of the centre. Building a relationship with families that include respect, trust, confidentiality, communication, consultation, information sharing and understanding is very important to Canberra Avenue Child Care & Kinder.
  • Learning is happening all the time and is interwoven through all developmental domains. These include: physical, social/emotional, cognitive and communication. Therefore, the goal of Canberra Avenue Child Care & Kinder is to make this ongoing learning experience safe, positive, and fun, nurturing the whole child as we strive to guide them into the next stage of development with confidence in themselves and an excitement for continued learning.
  • Children need the assurance of being loved and cared for while they are enjoying an educational environment. Teaching children is our passion. Security and trust are very important components as well, of our relationship with each child.

Children need the assurance of being loved and cared for while they are enjoying an educational environment. Teaching children is our passion. Security and trust are very important components as well, of our relationship with each child.

Canberra Avenue Child Care & Kinder strives for a developmentally appropriate, child-centered atmosphere where children have the opportunity to master new challenges through activities and topics that are meaningful to them, thus building their self esteem as they develop and learn.

Our mission at Canberra Avenue Child Care & Kinder are committed to providing safe, affordable, high quality care and education of children that is child-centered, holistic and values all children as individuals by:

Developing a child's intellectual, mental, physical, emotional and social skills as a foundation to help them meet future daily life's demands and challenges by:

  • Recognising every child's interests
  • Creating a safe, fun and interactive environment
  • Using a variety of approaches
  • Asking them open ended questions
  • Encouraging their dreams and visions